ELAC Self Nomination Form Please use the QR Code or link provided in the flyer if you are interested in selfnominating as an ELAC member.Por favor de utilizar el codigo QR o el vinculo que se encuentra en el volante si dease autonominarse como candidato/a para ELAC.
SSC Membership Nominate yourself as a School Site Council member. We are looking for teachers, parents, students, and other staff. Use the link or the QR code to nominate yourself.
SSC Orientation and Election School Site Council Orientation and Election Meetings for Parents, Teachers, Other Staff, and Students.
Google para el Éxito Académico Clases de computación gratis para todos los padres de familia, tutores y miembros de la comunidad.
Googe for Academic Success All parents, tutors and community members are invited to our Summer Class for Parents